Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Blog entry April 23, 2019
I have been on a “wait” list. Every time I either go through an illness or a surgery, somehow, I get “BE still and know that I am God” sent to me. Since October 2018, I have been “waiting” to see what I have. I went to my new GP complaining that the right side of my throat was swollen and hurt. I told him that I didn’t have the mumps. He ordered a blood test to rule that out. he also sent me for an ultrasound on my neck. The ultrasound resulted in a CT scan which showed that I had a nodule or cyst on the right side of my throat. The ultrasound had said I had them bilaterally, however after a second CT scan, I only have it on the right side. In December 2018, I went for a biopsy. In January of 2019, I received the results. The specialist had said it was benign but inconclusive- meaning the doctor didn’t get enough cells to determine whether it was benign. I have had a blood test and a second CT scan. The nodule has grown since the last one. I go for another biopsy (which I asked for in the first place as I don’t want surgery if it is benign). I currently do not have a date for the second biopsy, so I wait and continue to trust that God has this. I must say that I have had a peace about this whole thing throughout the waiting. So, I will be still and wait. There are times I wish I could get it over with and then I think of all the things I still need to do. It reminds me to get things in order. We do not know when it is “our” time to leave this earth. I am also reminded to be ready for the time God needs to take me away from this earth. I want everyone to know of God and to invite Him in and have a relationship with Him.Music and songs sooth me. These are two that came to mind;
So I wait for you,
So I wait for you,
I’m falling on my knees,
Offering all of me,                                                       
Jesus, you’re all I’ve waited for.
Another song or chorus written by my friend, Karyn Sunderland;
Jesus, let me sit at your feet
Jesus, let me sit at your feet
Let me wash Your Holy precious feet with my broken anguish tears;
Let me come to You with all my pain and simply offer You my life again.
Jesus, let me sit at Your feet.